Health Library

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  • Colds and Flu

    Links to information on colds and flu. Covers at-home treatment for cold and flu symptoms, the flu vaccine, prevention of colds and flu, and medicines for the flu.

  • High Blood Pressure

    Provides links to information about high blood pressure. Describes what blood pressure is, high blood pressure's effect on health, and how high blood pressure is treated. Has links to lifestyle changes and medications used to treat high blood pressure.

  • Environmental Health

    Provides links to information about various types of environmental illnesses, including lead and carbon monoxide poisoning. Also includes links to tips on reducing environmental pollutants in the home.

  • Young-Adult Health

    Highlights health and lifestyle information for college-age young adults, many of whom are new to managing their own health and self-care. Includes topics such as stress, mood, sex, relationships, weight and food, women's and men's health care, and tobacco, alcohol, and drug use.

  • Advance Care Planning

    Provides links to information about advance care planning. Includes links on advance directives, palliative care and hospice, finding a health care agent, and dealing with grief or dementia.

  • Pain Control

    Pain can be caused by many things, such as an injury, a surgery, or a health problem like low back pain or cancer. Long-term pain that isn't controlled can make it harder to enjoy life. But there are ways you can learn to manage pain. And managing pain can have...

  • Polyhydramnios

    What is polyhydramnios? Amniotic fluid surrounds the fetus during pregnancy. Having too much of this fluid is called polyhydramnios. It means that there's more fluid around your baby than there should be. In some cases, too much amniotic fluid doesn't cause problems. In other cases, it can cause problems, such...

  • Multiple Pregnancy: Preterm Birth

    Pregnancy normally lasts about 40 weeks. When delivery occurs between 20 and 37 weeks of pregnancy, it's called a preterm birth. A baby born early is called preterm (or premature). Preterm babies are sometimes called "preemies." Multiple pregnancies rarely last for the usual 40 weeks. For twins, the average time...

  • Ambulatory Electrocardiogram (EKG)

    An ambulatory electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) records the electrical activity of your heart while you do your usual activities. Ambulatory means that you are able to walk during the test. This type of monitoring may also be called ambulatory EKG, Holter monitoring, 24-hour EKG, or cardiac event monitoring. Many heart...

  • Peripheral Arterial Disease

    Discusses peripheral arterial disease, a narrowing or blockage of arteries that results in poor blood flow to your arms and legs. Discusses causes and symptoms. Covers treatment with a healthy lifestyle, medicines, a procedure, or surgery. Also offers prevention tips.

Showing 1 - 10 of 4902

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