Fellowship in Infectious Diseases
A two-year fellowship at the Center for Anti-infective Research and Development at Hartford Hospital is offered with special emphasis on clinical pharmacokinetics and antimicrobial pharmacodynamics. The fellow’s principle responsibility will be research, which encompasses in-vitro/in-vivo pharmacodynamic modeling, animal, healthy subject, and phase I-IV clinical studies. Training in Infectious Diseases clinical practice issues and antibiotic stewardship will be received. The fellow will also gain experience in protocol development, grant attainment, study management, as well as the publication of scientific literature.
Clinical and Research Resources
Hartford Hospital is an 890-bed, acute-care, community teaching hospital with major specialty and subspecialty services. It is the third largest--and one of the busiest hospitals in the Northeast. Some of the more active clinical programs include cardiology, critical care, trauma, infectious disease, pediatrics, oncology, transplantation and cardiovascular surgery. Research in many of these areas is also a mission of the hospital. In addition to clinical services, there are several research laboratories, which are equipped with the latest analytical equipment, allowing the chemical and microbiological analysis of a wide variety of drugs; instrument laboratory equipped with spectrophotometers, multiple HPLC systems; and, a microbiological laboratory. Other specialty laboratories include: Liposomal Drug Delivery, Endotoxin Assay, Surgical Research Laboratory, Molecular Biology, and Immunology.
Other sources routinely available to Center for Anti-Infective Research and Development for ongoing projects include an AAALAC accredited animal research facility capable of handling a number of animal species and three fully staffed operating rooms requiring this intensive care setting.
The hospital also has a functioning Clinical Research Center (CRC), which specializes in Phase I and Phase IV drug studies.
Computer support includes access to the institutional IBM mainframe allowing routine use of extensive management and clinical information such as statistics, artificial intelligence, graphics, spreadsheets, patient lab data, etc. Several microcomputers are also available.
Fellow Educational Opportunities
All Fellows are requested to participate in teaching a didactic course for pharmacy students from the University of Connecticut, School of Pharmacy or St. Joseph’s College of Pharmacy. In addition to teaching pharmacy students, the Fellows will also be involved in providing in-service lectures to other health professionals and students as needed.
Application Procedure
The minimum requirement is a Pharm.D., PhD, or equivalent degree. Selection of the post-doc/fellow is based on the application progress, which includes completed application forms, curriculum vitae, three letters of reference and a personal interview. The start date for the fellowship is typically July 1 of each year but can be customized to the candidate as applicable.
Contact Person:
David P. Nicolau, PharmD, FCCP, FIDSA
David P. Nicolau, PharmD, FCCP, FIDSA
Kamilia Abdelraouf, PhD
Tomefa E. Asempa, PharmD
Additional information and application material may be obtained by writing to:
ID Pharmacotherapy Fellowship Program
Center for Anti-Infective Research and Development
Hartford Hospital
80 Seymour Street
P.O. Box 5037
Hartford, CT 06102-5037
860.545.3992 (Fax)
E-MAIL: joseph.kuti@hhchealth.org