
IRB Federalwide Assurance and Panel Numbers
Hartford HealthCare IRB Federal Wide Assurance Number: FWA00021932
Hartford HealthCare IRB #1 – IRB Registration #: IRB00009784 (PANEL A)
Hartford HealthCare IRB #2 – IRB Registration #: IRB00009785 (PANEL B)

Fees charged for HHC IRB review of Protocols submitted solely to the HHC IRB

Initial Review of Protocol and Associated Material by HHC IRB: $3000.00
Continuing Review by HHC IRB (required annually or less than): $1500.00
Protocol Amendment Review by HHC IRB: $500.00

The Sponsor will pay Institution all applicable IRB Review Fees. On-going IRB reviews are completed as required by the IRB, no less than annually.

IRB Fees are non-negotiable and non-refundable, and are not contingent upon a fully executed Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA), IRB Approval of the Study, or Site Initiation.

All industry sponsored CTSs that are currently in negotiations or renegotiations with the industry sponsor are subject to the fees at the prevailing rates as stated above.

Hartford HealthCare will invoice the sponsor upon execution of the agreement, and at the project renewal date. If payment of the required fees is not received within six months of the invoice date, Hartford HealthCare reserves the right to terminate the contract. Questions regarding these IRB fees, should be directed to Marc Ginnett, Contract and Grants Manager at 860.972.2093 or marc.ginnett@hhchealth.org.
