Dietitian Consultation

12 Reasons to Consult with a Registered Dietitian.

a woman smiling holding a bag of groceries

Dietitians handle much more than weight loss. Here are some other reasons to consult with a registered dietitian to improve your health.

Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular health goes beyond watching sodium intake and saturated fats. A registered dietitian can discuss many options to improve heart health, such as increasing fiber rich foods and mitigating added sugars.

GI Health, including Celiac Disease, IBS, IBD, GERD and More

A registered dietitian can help you to discover what your individual food triggers may be and assist in finding delicious foods to improve your gut health and GI symptoms.

Kidney Health

An RD can help you navigate the complexities of a kidney-friendly diet if you have chronic kidney disease, gout or are prone to kidney stones.

Difficulty Gaining Weight or Having Had Unexpected Weight Loss

A low body weight is not always a good thing, it can be a result of many diverse health concerns, including an eating disorder, malabsorption, or an underlying disease. A dietitian can help you figure out why you may be having difficulty gaining weight and how to meet your goals with nutrient-dense foods.

Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, Hyperinsulinemia

Thanks to increased screening, people are being diagnosed with metabolic concerns earlier. A registered dietitian can help develop a plan to improve your glucose tolerance in a way that will work uniquely for your needs, goals, lifestyle and budget.

Sports Nutrition

A dietitian can help create an eating plan to meet your fitness or competition goals. For more elite athletes, you will want to find a dietitian with advanced training.

Allergies or Intolerances to Food

Whether you have celiac disease, lactose intolerance, or multiple food allergies, navigating the food supply can be a challenge. A dietitian can help you sort it all out and expand your food choices.

Cancer Care and Side Effects of Treatment

If you are receiving treatment for cancer, a registered dietitian is part of your team and can help you with the side effects of treatment: taste changes, swallowing concerns, poor appetite, weight loss, and more.

For Practical Health and Nutrition Guidance

Perhaps you are thinking about trying a vegetarian or vegan eating plan, wondering if you should take nutrition supplements, or are overwhelmed by all the nutrition information on social media. A dietitian can help with all of these questions and more.

You Have Multiple Health Concerns and Are Getting Conflicting Advice About Your Diet

Dietitians have the skill and knowledge to wade through all of it and help you plan for meals that can meet your complex needs while keeping it simple.

Prenatal Guidance

A dietitian can help with concerns that you may have concerning nutrition before, during, and after your pregnancy.

Stages of Life

Dietitians can help to meet nutrition needs for specific concerns, from infancy and childhood to teens and older adults. All stages of life have different considerations; from helping children and families to develop good nutrition habits that fit their budget and lifestyle to assisting a person with mobility changes to create nutritious meals.

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